Science and delusions

The eminent scientist and controversial author Rupert Sheldrake came to Petersfield this week. It was the annual Eckersley lecture at Bedales and he held the large audience spellbound. His subject (and the name of his latest book) was The Science Delusion in which he aims to show that modern science is based on dogma not reason. Whatever the merits of the argument it certainly got people thinking (and book sales were good…)

This week I have read a book called Glow by Ned Beauman who is the youngest of Granta’s Young British Novelists and highly feted in the media. This would normally not encourage me to read further – but the publisher was very keen so I gave it a go. Glow is a halucogen and the novel is centred around the London drugs/music scene. Having said that the novel does develop into a pretty decent thriller and he writes some terrific prose. Worthwhile.

I am now reading Elizabeth Is Missing which is about a woman with dementia convinced that her friend has disappeared but is unable to persuade anybody else. Added to which despite the post-it notes in her pocket she can’t piece together the evidence. Sounds a bit grim but the writing is very compelling and as far away from dance music as it is possible to get.


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